Thursday, October 7, 2010

Young Mother............

Verbatimnof interview: Experience of being young mothers among ***** students


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim… My name is ************. I’m from student of qualitative research for psychology. We want to make a research for experience of young mother among ****** student. So, we want to ask ********** hmmm…can you tell me about your self first?


Ok, my name is *************. Err… I am 22 years old. Erm… I married on 21 years old that is last year. I had delivered my first child that is my daughter around Dicember last year. So, almost 2 years I’ve been a wife and 1 year as a mother. Erm… I am a ********* student at 3rd year in *******.


Ok, erm…can you tell me briefly about your experience during pregnancy?


Ok, my experience during pregnancy err… actually same like other mothers. We will face 3 months trimester that is very difficult trimester actually because erm… we will feel erm… in the early pregnancy, so, erm… we will feel sick err, we will have fever. Err… on the 4th month then we will feel stable until 9 month. We will just wait for the time to deliver.


Ok, can you describe your feeling after being a mother?


Hehehe… after being a mother I feel very happy, I feel erm… very erm.. like I feel very complete living a life because my daughter always cheer my everyday life err… when we have a child in early age we as a women we can deliver a child its feel like we had give something precious to our husband


So, you have a daughter?


Ah, yes! My daughter now 9 month old.


Erm… next, can you tell me your life after being a mother?


Erm… life after being a mother and before become a mother is too different because almost everyday life err…we have to divided our time among study, cooking, take care of our child, take care of our husband. So, when we look after all it is a busy life but it makes our life very complete because if still not married, we will feel our life just our own life. we do not have to take care of other people but it seems like it doesn’t have objective in the life. so, when we married we will be complete person.


But, sometimes have you ever feel tension or pressure?


Haha… I will feel tension when comes the time for examination or many assignments but when we see our husband face our child face it make err… we feel like happy because erm… it doesn’t feel oh, tension! Because we have a husband, we have a child no! we cannot say like that because it is our responsibility and it is something part of our life.


In general, how do you feel others treatment on you before and after marriage?


Before, erm… just like…it not just same. May be after married may be they look at me as matured student and erm… and… may be… may be they seems like to be more respect to me. I think so because I am a wife and a mother. That’s why. May be. I think so hehe…


Erm… have you ever feel they feel shy to make humor to you?


No, no, no! I don’t think so. Its just the same.


How you manage your family finance after having a baby?


Err… after having a baby we have to divide the pay the salary to erm… for the nursery, for the diapers, milk, may be its cost actually but from our belief as an islam, Allah will give us more rizk because a child is a rizk. Its not a burden.


But, your husband is already working?


Ah, yes!


Have you make any part time job?


I did part time job but I cannot do it consistently because my priority is for study hehe…


For example, your part time job like?


Err… like at cafĂ©, Photostat, and may be I will try part time job in teaching quran.


Generally, hows your income for your family right now?


Erm… err… at this time… just ok. We just can say that may be sometime we will feel very difficult to face that. We just have little money but from what I can say almost 2 years I’ve been married we just can face it although we have some problem about the financial.


Do you have a scholarship?


No, am self sponsored


How about your parent and you husband’s parent if they also give pocket money to both of you?


Erm… not so regularly. But sometimes we feel very difficult they will help us. It just not every month.


How do you carry your responsibility as a wife, mother, and student?


Emm… every day, I will go through my life, I will wake up in the morning make my child ready, change the diapers, I will cook for breakfast, I will get ready my cloth, my husband cloth. We will go to work and go to study. I will go back usually may be on evening or night. And then, I will just cook or make some housekeeping, and take care of my child, finish up my study work. just a routine. Just the difference among student at the hostel and me at the house just housework only. Taking care of my baby is not that difficult because my baby had been 9 month old rather than she still 1 month until 5 month. Because she still small.


You are living outside the campus, so you husband sent you to the class and take you from the class?




Usually, what time your husband sent to the class and what time he take you from the class?


Usually, he will send me at 8am or 8.15am and he will take me around 7pm or after Isyak or after Asar. Just like that.


So, while you waiting for your husband you just stay at the mosque or where?


May be I will stay at the mosque or I will finish up my work at the lab or library. So, when u reach at home, I just think about the housekeeping hehe…


How do you describe the pregnancy?


Hehehe… describe a pregnancy hmmm…we will have our baby in our tummy erm… it just for me it was a precious time because we will not get pregnant every year and we don’t ether we still get another child after this and emm… when I’m in pregnant I feel that I fell close to Allah because we caring an amanah. It was very precious time I just can say that.


When you are notice you are pregnant and what did you do?


I noticed err… at six weeks I’m in pregnant emm… and after I knew that I’m pregnant I just got fever. And its…I’m not very shock at that time because I already knew that I had pregnant because my period doesn’t came emm… its just like that.


Ok, last question err… how about your study, your achievement in your study?


Emm… about my achievement I can say that after I get married I had improve my study and I feel more enthusiasm to make my study more excellent. I really… actually I don’t regret about my marriage because emm… even though we have to face a busy life but it give us emm… more motivation to us as a student even though we have two responsibilities at the time.


Err… ******** ada cakap tentang trimester, trimester sama tak dengan morning sickness?


Trimester tu sebenarnya adalah tempoh err… 3 bulan awal kehamilan. Morning sickness tu pula sebenarnya emm… adalah alahan yang dialami oleh semua ibu mengandung sepanjang trimester ataupun sepanjang kehamilan bergantung kepada situasi ibu mengandung itu sendiri. Emm… tapi kelaziman seorang ibu mengandung adalah sewaktu 3 bulan awal kehamilan lah.


So, can you give the example during your experiencing the trimester and morning sickness?


Emm.. example of morning sickness err… for example I can’t smell anything like emm… smell from the refrigerator , I cannot smell someone else …. I cannot smell err… may be it is something that it is usually with smell but for err… pregnant women that having morning sickness it is difficult for them to face it because it something that very distracting but we have to face it for three months hmm…


Have you err… muntah-muntah?


Ah, yes! Especially when I eat chicken or something that may be oily or emm… santan hmm…


Owh… during you got morning sickness or you are in the phase of trimester, hmm… how you handle it?


Erm… when I really can’t emm…when I really can’t go through the morning sickness I will sleep or I will just lying down because err… usually err… pregnant women we will feel headache because we caring a baby and err… erm… on the early trimester we just have to err… sesuaikan diri dengan kehadiran err… seorang bayi dalam perut.


How about your study during that time? Is it distract your study?


Ok, it is not distracting much because I just feel tired but I still can focus and having exam. And at that time it was only on my… on my short semester. When I came in long semester I have become… I have gone through the morning sickness.


And, how about your husband, how he support… emm…in how he giving support to you?


Emm… errr… err… for example on one night I feel very headache, I cannot stand it, I think on 9pm or 8pm I think, he went to the grocery shop and bought me err… minyak angin because I cannot stand the headache that I felt at that time and I err… but he won’t let me do so much work emm…but not so because as a women we have to do the housework. May be he wil errl… I think… ya he help much trough my pregnancy.


Emm… in your study, err… kiranya macamana suami tolong dalam study tu macamana?


In my study, for example during my exam err… usually he will cook because I have to study for my examination and err… he will…. Err… he will let me err… he will force me to study because sometime I’m getting lazy hehe… but he give me much support.


Kiranya support tolong masak tu bukan time mengandung je la kiranya?




Kiranya sepanjang dua tahun kahwin ni apa masalah besar yang pernah berlaku ataupun cabaran yang paling besar lah yang pernah dihadapi?


Hehehe… something that erm… err… may be it asam garam dalam rumahtangga we have to sometime being quarrel, sometime we have misunderstanding but usually the main point we have to communicate in a very emm… motivated way because we play many role of psychology and message because it dealing with our feeling with emm… respect each other and erm… ya the big problem is a concerning financial problem or some big misunderstanding between my family and his family. It is something like that. But, emm… I have to go through all of that because emm… for me may be err… err… its a test to me because if we do not being tested by Allah then, it is no prove that we are true in our iman or not.


Emm… kiranya ******** kahwin awal kan? Kiranya err… sometime people they do not prefer to early marriage, so, how about your family and relatives perception?


Hmm… may be sometimes err… first time they feel a little bit shock because I decided to married early but they just agree with me because may be that is the way to me to be an independent. May be they want me to just go through the marriage life err… that now they are helping me much even though I choose err… married early err… in studying life and not so many negative perception because one of my mother ‘s friend also married during his study eh, her study.


Emm… during your baby is 1 to 5 months you said it’s a difficult time to taking care of your baby, in what way?


Emm… because err… from 1 to 2 month or 3 month err… the baby actually can’t see err… can’t see anything. He just can see something that red. That is the usual err… the usual keadaan that faced by all babies. When she is in that condition emm… the baby always want to be hug, always want milk. So, and emm… the baby also still cannot play and just can lying there and emm they cannot just do anything rather than crying or smiling. That’s all and its sleeping time during that time is very err…. Kena jaga rapi. If they hear anything even though a little sound they will just terkejut. So, we have to jaga dengan rapi lah.


Time tu ******** dah mula kelas dah?


Err… not yet. I’ve start my class during she 4 month old. At the time its just ok.


So, you send your baby to the nursery during her age …?


During 4 month old.


Usually, you will go back to home around 7pm or evening. So, your daughter is in the nursery until when? Emm… sampai bila?


Sometime until 8pm or 9pm. It just may be I’m having examination or my husband have to be on duty on isyak prayer err… not so frequently but if I can back early on 5pm or 6pm I will just take her back.


Emm… you are still younger emm… have you ever feel want to be like other ladies who are single, Who are still can going out with their friends ?


Sometimes, I will feel like that but when I think back, its just nothing because err… when we just a single women we cannot do much because emm… err… because we just dealing with err… routine work like study, just may be going in or out but it is a different life from the marriage life when we become a married person, when we go back to the house we can face err… we can see our husband our daughter. That is the happiest moment or the happiest person that we have. Because when we still single we just… we don’t have anyone, we have our family but may be they are far from us. Sometimes, we even though we can’t share something privacy with them but our husband you can share anything with him.


Can you share what… err… you are doing housework at home, what kind of housework that you do at home?


Usually, I will ensure the sink is clear. I don’t want to see any rubbish at the floor. My kitchen is clear; the tools are all has been washed. Err… also the clothes has been ironed err… and my baby... may be it just like that.


Kiranya… buat-buat semua tu kiranya ******* akan tdur pukul berapa?


Usually, when I go back late usually I will sleep at 1am or 2 am. Just want to ensure that our clothes has been washed has been ironed because I don’t have much time at the day time because at the day time almost I finish my time at U***. I just can sleep at night and I cannot let all the clothes be there until emm… weekend because my husband will get angry with me. I have to do it even though I’ll wake late. It…it…it has been my routine and em… may be I feel tired but I just… I just… I will find some times to get rest but not so much because there are many works to be done.


Err… last sekali how you err… sebagai seorang ibu lah, err… may be you can give advice or harapan to other future mothers.


Hehe… my advice is just err… just keep the patient in yourself because in life we will feel many crisis, we will face many problems emm.. that is… but it is not a distracting in life but t is a life and the most precious…. to face all of it emm… test in our life is to be patient because if we don’t have the patient the bigger problem will be come hmm…


Thank you for sharing and sorry for anything


Its ok

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